Friday, January 3, 2020

Argumentative Essay - Thick Skin - 838 Words

THICK SKIN--------------------------------------------------------- â€Å"Do what you have to do, and send me to the main office.† â€Å"I don’t care,† said Alexander, a teenage student who I disciplined in the hallway. â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"I’m not sending you out because, I believe you do care.† With God’s help, I flipped the script as I talked to Alexander. He seemed shocked by the positive reaction I spattered toward him. In fact, he expected me to write a note, and send him on his way. I realized how thick my skin was after I brushed-off Alexander’s disrespect. No, I don’t do that often, but I could sense his anger and his agonizing pain. I discovered many of my students came to school angry. In fact, they were†¦show more content†¦The class had just started. I reminded the students of the cell phone policy. This policy was not developed by me. The strict policy was created and enforced by the school’s district. While I taught, I noticed a student consistently using his cell phone, and I tried to discretely collect his property. My initial plan was to return the phone before class ended. The student kept holding on to his cell phone, and he would not let go. Most of the students let out an irrepressible laughter while I frantically paced around the classroom trying to locate the security button. I felt as if I were in a foreign land. Since then, I learned to know exactly where all security buttons are located prior to class. On that awkward and confusing day, I shifted from corner-to-corner. Finally, one of the students said, â€Å"Miss.† â€Å"Miss.† â€Å"The security button is over there.† When the security officer arrived, I gave him a vivid report of what happened. He disrespected my role in front of all the students. For instance, even though he took the phone (without any resistance from the student), the officer wore a proud smirk on his face and told the rebellious student to stop by his office. He said that he would return the student’s phone to him -- right after my class ended. Once the security officer left my classroom, the 10th grader looked at me and giggled. He added a disdainful remark: â€Å"Good enough for you.† InShow MoreRelated A Comparison of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen Essay2446 Words   |  10 PagesCharles Dickens and Jane Austen ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE ESSAY Of the many authors to emerge during the nineteenth-century, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen were among the few who would make a lasting impression on the literary world for generations. Hard Times, often referred to as Dickens’ ‘Industrial novel’ and Austen’s Pride and Prejudice have been much read and well-loved classics for many years. It is the purpose of this essay to compare and contrast the different worlds depicted inRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesown conclusion, then its your responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate. Lets examine that last remark. A conclusion backed up by one or more reasons in any order is called an argument, even when the reasoner is not being argumentative or disagreeable. The word â€Å"argument† is a technical term we will be using frequently in this course. Being logical means, among other things, that you should give an argument to support your conclusion if you expect other people to accept itRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 Pagesillustrated the meaning and use of words; the great majority of the examples are due to him. Their merit is that they are not translations from English, but natural Igbo sentences elicited only by the stimulus of the word they illustrate. The short essays which appear from time to time (e.g. under otà ¹tà ¹, à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤gbanÌ„je) on aspects of culture are also his work, as are the sketches which served as basis for the illustrations, a large number of new words, and various features of the arrangement. When he hadRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagessolvers and decision makers who prefer to deal with technical tasks and straightforward, prescribed problems rather than social or interpersonal issues. They excel at problems that have one correct answer. Multiple-choice exams are preferred over essay exams. Research has suggested that these individuals are incli ned toward careers in technology, engineering, and law. In college, students with a knowing style tend to major in the physical sciences, engineering, law, and computers. In business, they

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